Lean Agile Guru

Team Coach

“Yes, Team Coach!” I exclaimed… after seeing SAFe 6.0’s preview for Scaled Agile partners before its release on March 15th.

I was looking at the Scrum Master/Team Coach (SM/TC) responsibility wheel.

“About darn time!” I exclaimed again… with my eyes still glued at the “Team Coach” words.

Also… at that moment… my mind went back to the book by Eli Goldratt.

The book’s title is “The Goal“.

It is an Industrial Setting — a Factory… in trouble.

The protagonist — Alex Rogo — got the factory out of trouble with the help of Jonah — a guy who asked Alex a lot of questions that made Alex think… and think… until a brilliant idea towards a solution comes out from Alex’s tortoise mind (inventive slow mind).

Jonah never gave answers.  Just Socratic questions. Jonah was the coach! Jonah was NOT a mentor (who provides answers).

This “Team Coach” is “Ways of Working” agnostic. It is applicable to different “Ways of Working” like: Scrum, ScrumXP, SAFe Scrum, Kanban, KanbanXP, SAFe Team Kanban… even PMI’s Disciplined Agile Delivery.

Since SAFe is open to all “Ways of Working”… this “Team Coach” add is fitting… very apropos.

The Original “Karate Kid” — Mr. Miyagi was the coach to Daniel San
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