Lean Agile Guru

User Story and Enabler Story are Like…

One concept that some folks find hard to grasp is the two types of stories in SAFe:

User story is what customers see… and interact with… directly.

Whilst enabler story is behind the scenes supporting directly or indirectly the user story… enabler stories are typically technical in nature.

Think of user story as your conscious mind… you interact with it… whilst enabler story is your subconscious mind… is stealth (not in a state of awareness)… behind the scenes… you don’t consciously interact with it. 

An iceberg is a great visual … see image below… the iceberg represents your solution (i.e., your Product, Services, System)… above the sea surface are stories; below the sea surface are enablers; similarly, at a personal level, the iceberg represents you: your conscious mind is above the surface… below the surface is your subconscious mind.

Enablers make or break your solution … similarly, your subconscious mind can make or break you… both enablers and subconscious mind are keys to success!

There are more ideas like this in my two books — both are available for purchase on Amazon.

SAFe (6.0) Is Like…
This reached “#1 New Release” on Amazon

SAFe 6.0 Practice
My new book, released on October 15, 2023.

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