
Pattern and Anti-Pattern

If you are shifting paradigms or mindsets, change the way you respond to things. We all respond in a patterned way. If you are to adopt a new pattern, identify the patterns that could undermine that new pattern... we call these anti-patterns. New pattern, new results! Instead of reaching out for a pizza, try reaching out for an apple! Break your old and antiquated cognitive biases... now! Replace it with better ones. Pizza vs Apple.
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Is Your DoR Becoming an Anti-Pattern?

Is Your DoR Becoming an Anti-Pattern?

When the team cannot pull any work until something else is completed, then the DoR (Definition of Ready) turns dangerously into a phase/stage-gate waterfall pattern... an anti-agile pattern. Of course, some rules of DoR must be met like Acceptance Criteria and Estimation of effort...however, some rules are best left to be desired...not mandatory to avoid the phase-gate waterfall pattern. DoRs must be iterative and incremental in nature. For example, when the team is just starting out, the DoR should be set in such a way that it allows the team to pull work (the bar not set too high). As…
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