Lean-Agile Put The Waterfall Iron Triangle Upside Down!

Lean-Agile Put The Waterfall Iron Triangle Upside Down!

This is sooo funny! Makes me laugh all the time I see this visual! Not only did lean-agile turn the waterfall (predictive) ways on its head, they also turned the famous iron triangle upside down! This is a powerful image ... keep this in your back pocket / mind just in case you get into discussion -- about MVP vis-a-vis Cost and Schedule -- with a classic waterfall project manager! In lean-agile, the capacity (capacity cost) is fixed and the schedule (deployment ) will happen (it is on cadence)... it is just a matter of finding that MVP (minimum viable…
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Baby Step Your Way to Successful Transformation

Baby Step Your Way to Successful Transformation

Babies got this 'baby steps' figured out: on their way to their first steps, they initially find themselves falling down... but they get up and try again... and again. Then, something clicks in their brains, they experience their first successful steps -- a series of steps without falling down going from dad's arms to mom's arms... smiling and happy! With that seemingly small win, encouraged, babies go on further with casual walking, then faster walking... then running. Toastmasters (TM) International have 'The Ice Breaker' speech category created for their first-time TM speakers. That is their (the first-time TM speakers') 'baby…
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