Lean Startup

Baby Step Your Way to Successful Transformation

Baby Step Your Way to Successful Transformation

Babies got this 'baby steps' figured out: on their way to their first steps, they initially find themselves falling down... but they get up and try again... and again. Then, something clicks in their brains, they experience their first successful steps -- a series of steps without falling down going from dad's arms to mom's arms... smiling and happy! With that seemingly small win, encouraged, babies go on further with casual walking, then faster walking... then running. Toastmasters (TM) International have 'The Ice Breaker' speech category created for their first-time TM speakers. That is their (the first-time TM speakers') 'baby…
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The Ability to Pivot as Necessary, is a Characteristic  of an Effective Lean-Agile Team

The Ability to Pivot as Necessary, is a Characteristic of an Effective Lean-Agile Team

The huge ship Titanic can pivot -- like any other ship for that matter -- but in that ill-fated night, it was necessary for it to pivot ... fast! Too slow...It sank ... it was not Lean and Agile enough to pivot fast enough in order to avoid collision with a huge iceberg. Tragic. Apple Inc. long time ago was 90 days away from being insolvent; Steve Jobs returned to Apple... made pivotal moves, fast enough to avoid insolvency, and as a result, Apple Inc. was profitable again... and still is profitable today, and, in fact, on August 2, 2018, …
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