limiting beliefs

Be Aware of Limiting Beliefs. Part III

Be Aware of Limiting Beliefs. Part III

The piece of data that you take in ... you put meaning to it and start putting extra pieces to it... adding 'legs' to support that meaning, like: experiential data related to it, personal biases, culture, and assumptions. You start drawing conclusions and start adopting it as one of your beliefs ... a belief that you start using as a guide when taking action. This process goes in a loop as data is acquired. Everyone of us got this process in our DNA...nothing wrong with it... until that belief -- as you become aware of it -- is a limiting…
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Be Aware of Limiting Beliefs. Part II

Be Aware of Limiting Beliefs. Part II

It all starts with what we experience and observable data that we have on hand. Remember the story about the six blind men describing what they are observing and experiencing? Yeah, one of the five men observed that he is holding a fan...the others said something else different from each other: rope, tree, wall, spear, snake! They are describing observable data that they have on hand. To be continued.
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Be Aware of Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs is exactly what that meant: it limits our opportunities, our vision, our understanding, our potential, our emotional intelligence... that's just naming a few things our limiting beliefs take away from us. What are your limiting beliefs as a coach? What are the limiting beliefs of the coachee? Would you like to remove these limiting beliefs? But first, let's understand this first: How does a limiting belief come into one's mind? To be continued.
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