non functional requirements (NFRs)

Non Functional Requirement (NFR) — Enabler to Constraint

An NFR was once a Story... an Enabler (a type of a story) to 'enable' -- like a needed piece of the puzzle to complete the picture -- a certain functionality; then once the NFR is built, it becomes a constraint to the backlog. SAFe drew the NFR as a gray oblong shaped figure under the backlog... this is to indicate that NFR is a constraint to the backlog (i.e. program backlog, team backlog, solution backlog and epic backlog) -- see picture below)... lots of people are not aware of this. Here is another visual from SAFe on NFR as…
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NFRs are Constraints

NFRs are Constraints

NFRs -- Non Functional Requirements (qualities of a system like Scalability, Security, etc) are constraints of a system once built and in place. For example: Architecture team determines that Amazon Web Services (AWS) should be the one to go with (this is alignment with 'Scalability')... then they make this as one of their ASRs (Architecturally Significant Requirements). Once this ASR is in place, it constraints upcoming functional requirements that use web services ... AWS will be used instead of another web services from somewhere else. NFRs are part of the Definition of Done (DoD). NFRs are initially enablers along the…
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