Testimonials — Elite Circle, Live Sessions, Lean Agile Software Factory

Testimonials — Elite Circle, Live Sessions, Lean Agile Software Factory

I highly recommend Clarence and the Elite Circle membership. I did take the SAFe 5.0 training class in January and decided to join the Elite Circle for follow up on processes and firm up on my SAFe 5.0 knowledge. I am glad I did as the membership did just that! It provided me a place to practice and to ask questions that I have encountered on my job. Much appreciated!
— R.E.

Clarence is a great Coach. And he explains everything in a crisp, clear and visual manner. I admire his teaching skills.
— P.K.

Clarence: The workshops are so helpful to me personally for two reasons: My teammates are new to SAFe so the workshop exercises are similar to some scrum task and team discussions. Having the opportunity to get honest feedback/suggestions from classmates and direction from the Agile Guru allows me to help my team move forward. Most of all the class room energy is ALWAYS fun and no dull moments. I love the workshops!! See you soon. Thank you always.
— K.D.

I am really enjoying your sessions. They are very informative. I’m looking for my next job opportunity and would like a Scrum Master role, so this helps me. 😊. Thank you.”
— K.L.

The “Live Session” was extremely helpful. I was tasked with organizing and launching an ART and I was struggling with the confidence that my approach would be impactful. The “Live Session” provided a safe space to share my the realities how my organization operates and to discuss the my approach to getting started. The realization that we are an operational horizontal ART helped to reset my focus to how I can be an effective RTE while acting as the PM. I was able to share this quote “Capacity is our currency” with confidence along with the importance of relative numeric sizing to determine WSJF. We finished our initial Program Increment Planning session with a shared since of where we are, identified some areas for immediate change and identified opportunities to influence collaboration at the solution level. I am extremely happy that the session was not chaotic. Most importantly, we acknowledged that the process is evolving and will be fine-tuned overtime.
I appreciate Your time & support!!! Thanks again for the amazing coaching and all the information about your services! Kind regards.
— E.J.


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